Sovereignty and the Constitution explores a variety of fundamental principles concerning self-governance.
Choices and Description
Many individuals believe they understand the nature of the American Constitution and how it relates to the issue of sovereignty. Sometimes, however, the illusion of knowledge is what prevents a person from taking the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the principles, problems, and dynamics to which various foundational ideas -- such as rights, powers, religion, republicanism, and so on -- give expression. The present book -- Sovereignty and the Constitution: An Unexpurgated Guided Tour -- takes the reader on a journey through an array of ideas that explore the relationship between sovereignty and the amended Constitution in a very different way than is done normally by many people, and, as such, seeks to induce the reader to critically reflect on a variety of fundamental principles concerning the issue of self-governance. Particular attention in the book is given to: The establishment clause; concept of republicanism; the issue of rights; natural law; the tenth amendment; hermeneutical styles of framing the Constitution; philosophies of law; leadership; education, liberty; freedom; the rule of law, and sovereignty.