One of the readers of the first edition of this book considered it to be the best work that has been written on the subject of 9/11.
The 3rd edition seeks to make a very good book even better.
More than nine years after 9/11 the truth about the events of that day are not known by most people in the United States. Many of those individuals believe that they know what happened
on September 11, 2001, but their understanding has been constructed for them by people in media, government, and academia who are themselves confused, ill-informed, and lacking an insightful understanding in relation
to many issues that permeate 9/11.
The current, updated edition of Framing 9/11 involves more than 170 pages of new material, and much of this is contained in the penultimate chapter of this book – namely, ‘Unscientific America: 9/11, Sam Harris,
and Noam Chomsky'. The nect to last chapter of this book also contains new material.It consists of an overview of, and introduction to, the work of Rebekah Roth which is given expression in her Methodical trilogy
series of books as well as through a variety of interviews.
In addition, this third edition contains an array of corrections and a certain amount of reformatting of the first edition. Although I am sure that some mistakes still grace the contents of the present work, nonetheless,
I have endeavored – mightily -- to find and correct as many problems as I could in order to provide the reader with a thoroughly professional and engaging presentation.