This book explores the significance of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad -- namely, "Die before you die"
-- from the perspective of an individual who has been journeying along a path of discovery for nearly 45 years. The contents of this book might be one of the most unique, intriguing, and challenging accounts of Islam and the Sufi path that has been published in North America.
Just a little over four years ago, the author of this book died -- several times -- in the emergency room of a local hospital. This book starts with those events and, then, expands outward
to talk about an array of experiences (including spiritual abuse) that has shaped his understanding of Islam, the Sufi path, life, and himself.
In addition, the book critically reflects on a series of issues that have relevance in today's world. These ideas range from: Sam Harris, to topics such as: Education, religion, mysticism,
science, and shari'ah.
While each of the book’s four sections has something to offer readers with respect to assisting a person to work toward developing a deeper understanding of Islam and its mystical dimension (as well
as a number of other topics), the book's section on shari'ah might prove to be the most illuminating and thought-provoking facet of the book. More specifically, Dr. Whitehouse introduces readers to a
way of engaging the topic of shari'ah that is quite different from what is normally thought of in conjunction with that term and, if God wishes, could serve as a way of helping to bring the Muslim world
and the West closer together in a variety of constructive and harmonious ways.